Sunday, September 6, 2009

Wow! Has it really been 2 months since we last updated the blog? Time is just flying by and Addie is just getting bigger and bigger, faster and faster, louder and louder. We don't even have much time anymore to take many pictures, but here are a bunch from the last month (or so.)

She thinks she is so cool when she has her shades on!

Riding in a truck at Chuck E Cheese. We took her this weekend for her first time! It was really fun and not that crowded.
Here's what Daddy has been spending most of his extra time doing. RUNNING and then RUNNING some more. GO DADDY GO!
Bad hair day, but at least she's starting to get more hair.
She loves baby dolls. We recently got a stroller for her to push her baby around.
Playing on the playground at the zoo.
Checking out the panda at the zoo.
Feeding the birds (or trying to grab them) at the zoo.
Addie loves birds. It one of the few words that she says.
I'm not seeing the resemblance.

Addie loves to play in water. Any water will do even Amos' water bowl.
Getting ready for school on a rainy day.
Addie says bye, bye. See you soon!


Unknown said...

I love your pics! the panda is so cute!!!
Flor (

Sara said...

Addie is getting so big and I love the hair! Anna loves the zoo too. I love the white dress. Was it Emma's?

not up to code said...

It crazy how much Addie looks like Emma sometimes - then in other pictures she looks nothing like Emma. Can't wait to see you all in a couple of weeks!