Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July

It has been almost two months since we've posted anything on the blog. It was about time to do a little updating. These are a few pics of what has happened since then.

Since Addie was very little she has always had a thing for the vacuum. Now that she is older, she likes to help mommy push it around the house. I hope she doesn't grow out of this.

Here is Addie playing with one of her best friends.

And here she is drinking out of a cup she just dipped into Amos' water.

Grandpa pulling Addie and Palmer around.

Addie and Palmer had a really good time at the sprinkler park last weekend. Neither one liked getting sprayed directly.

Swinging on her new swing. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa.

Playing in the sprinkler at home.

Waiting for the parade to start. High Point Parade, July 4th.

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