Thursday, January 15, 2009

Way Behind in Updating the Blog

OK, so I'll be the first to admit that we have been horrible about updating the blog lately. Addie is sick today so I stayed home with her. I have already caught up on work emails and she is still taking a nap, so I actually have a few minutes to post some pictures. Those few minutes are rare these days as all you mothers know.

Addie has been very busy these last few weeks. She is crawling now. She started really going everywhere when we got home from the holidays in Paducah. She is already pulling up on the couch and Mommy's legs. Her most favorite thing to do is still walking (while holding someone's hands). If only we could teach Amos how to walk her around! Her second most favorite thing is eating puffs. She gets so excited when you get the container out!

Anyway, hope everyone enjoys these pictures. You might not see anymore for a little while!

What about my hairdo? Daddy got a little carried away while giving Addie a bath. This is Addie's serious face.


not up to code said...

I like the serious face. Hope Addie gets to feeling better.

Sara said...

I like the serious face too! The hairdo is pretty cool too. Wow, Addie has started doing alot since Christmas. She will probably walk before Anna.