Monday, July 21, 2008

This weekend

Addie rolled over on Saturday from her belly to her back. I thought it was a fluke but she did it three times. Daddy caught the second one on video. She hasn't done it since then, but maybe she'll do it again this week. This was also Addie's first Sunday in the nursery at church. I guess she did really well. They didn't page us to come get her, and when we picked her up she was sleeping. Her are some pictures from the weekend.

She loves to look at herself in the mirror.
Snoozing in her boppy.
Cute tennis shoes. Thanks Aunt Abbie and Tristan.
Addie and Daddy before church.
Are you seeing the resemblance?


Sara said...

I LOVE the pictures of Addie and Ashley! She rolled over very early! Way to go Addie!

Frances Vineyard said...

Wow, they look sooooooooooo much alike! So sweet!!