Sunday, April 5, 2009

I thought this walking stage was going to take a while. I thought it would take some time from when she was able to stand on her own and pull up to her taking some steps by herself. When this video was taken she had only been walking for a day or two. Like most kids, her first steps were to us as we encouraged her to walk to us. I assumed it would take several days to several weeks for her to just turn around and walk to something of her own interest with no prompting from us. I was wrong. She stood up and walked to her toy box or something else of hers the next day. But I knew she would only be taking only a few steps at a time until she got this walking thing down. Again, I was wrong. In less than 10 days, Addie has gone from taking a couple of baby steps to walking from room to room on her own. She already walks around toys on the floor and can change directions on a dime. It might be a little too close to call, but she has already almost made walking her primary mode of transportation around the house. Maybe my expectations were a little low, but I just thought this walking stuff was going to take a lot longer. Let's hope talking is not as fast.

As you can see by the other video, this video is just a bit outdated already. We apologize about our tardiness.
Addie likes to hang out in the office and help us on the computer. She usually rifles through the drawers and chews on something inappropriate.
Bath time is one of Addie's favorite times of the day.
It's hard to keep her from standing in the tub though.
She's ready to go outside for a walk.

Addie likes to look at herself all wrapped up in her bunny towel.

This is an early picture of Addie standing up unassisted.
Daddy's U of M hat.
Addie and Amos have a good time together. She hugs on him and pets him and plays with his collar.
Addie sometimes finds it funny to spit her baby food back out and all over herself. We don't find this as funny as she does.