Monday, July 28, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

11 Weeks Old

My how the time has flown! She has grown so much and keeps changing every day. Our lives have been forever changed, and we are thankful to God for a beautiful, healthy little girl.

When I woke up on Sunday to check on Addie she had somehow scooted or rolled to the end of her bed. I have no idea how she got there since I put her in the middle of her bed when I lay her down.

Monday, July 21, 2008

This weekend

Addie rolled over on Saturday from her belly to her back. I thought it was a fluke but she did it three times. Daddy caught the second one on video. She hasn't done it since then, but maybe she'll do it again this week. This was also Addie's first Sunday in the nursery at church. I guess she did really well. They didn't page us to come get her, and when we picked her up she was sleeping. Her are some pictures from the weekend.

She loves to look at herself in the mirror.
Snoozing in her boppy.
Cute tennis shoes. Thanks Aunt Abbie and Tristan.
Addie and Daddy before church.
Are you seeing the resemblance?

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Here are several pictures of Addie playing. She is becoming more and more expressive everyday.

She loves looking at herself in the mirror on her play mat. We have also started listening to classical music (Mozart) while she is playing. I think she likes it. Thanks Aunt Vicki for the CD.
Playing with Daddy.

She hasn't quite mastered the sitting up yet, but we're working on it.
Much better sitting posture in this pose.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Addie went to the doctor on Monday to get her first shots. She did really well. She got really red in the face and screamed a little, but as soon as Mommy picked her up she stopped and was fine. She weighs 10 lbs 11oz and is 23 inches long.

Addie taking her first bath sitting up in her tub instead of laying down. She is finally starting to like baths better or at least not cry the entire time. She isn't quite relaxed yet as you can tell by the clenched fists.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Many Faces

Mom snapped a bunch of photos of Addie this morning and they each tell a different story. Tell me what you think.

This is Addie practicing her cheering for when the Wildcats are winning again.

This is Addie practicing taking pictures of herself.
This is Addie tired of taking pictures of herself.

Yes Addie, do you have a question?
Mom thinks she looks like Uncle Joe.

This is Addie in her church clothes.
Thanks Aunt Abbie and Tristan.

This is Addie enjoying her bath. Daddy got a little crazy with the bubbles on this particular night.