Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Addie now weighs 7lbs 13oz

We went to the doctor today for Addie's first checkup. She now weighs 7lbs 13oz and is 21 inches long. I knew that she was getting bigger, but I had no idea that she would have already gained this much weight. We are also quite surprised that she is in the 90% in length so far. We don't expect this to stay this way since neither of us are very tall, but it's kind of neat at this point that she is so long. Although, if she keeps this up she will soon be outgrowing the newborn size clothes in length because of a lot of her outfits are already just right in length with hardly any extra growing room. The doctor said she looked great. We are very thankful for the wonderful report.

Addie waves goodbye as she goes down for a nap in the changing table of her pac-n-play.
Purple skirt with "Daddy's Girl."
She has found that her thumb makes a decent substitute for the real thing.
It appears that Addie has a question.

That's more of a laugh than a smile!!
Being so cute takes a lot out of you.
Addie bathing and not crying....first time.

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Girls

Tristan thinks Addie is neat and is always trying to touch her
Notice the matching outfits - thanks to Aunt Abbie.
As you can see, Addie slept through most of this photo session.
Abbie, Tristan, Annie, and Addie

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Addie and Abbie

Aunt Abbie has waited for two whole weeks to see Addie. She, Tristan, and Todd were able to visit over Memorial Day. Here is just a few pictures of Aunt Abbie holding little Addie.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

White Night Gown

This is Addie in her white nightgown on her fuzzy white blanket. The background is just the couch. Looks kinda cool if we meant to do that.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Addie's First Real Bath

There was a lot of yelling and screaming coming from the kitchen tonight. I think I even saw some hands and feet flailing around like someone was exercising in the sink. It was quite a sight.

Addie & Her Mommy

There have been some requests for Addie to be posted with her mommy.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

This is us taking Addie on her first walk.
Look at her BIG FEET!

Isn't that just the sweetest sight?

Friday, May 16, 2008

One Week Old!!

One of the only times Addie has no clothes on and is not crying

Do I see a bit of a grin?
Green Dress - Funny Bow
Addie and Me!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

More Pictures of Addie

Here are some pictures of baby Addie. She spends a lot of time laying on daddy. Although it looks cute, I don't ever remember him letting me lay on him like that. My sister also likes to sleep in her swing. Her Aunt Abbie got that swing for her. And here's a snapshot of her first bath. Grandma and mommy gave her the bath. Daddy just took the pictures.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day 3 At Home

I had heard so much about my sister. But none of it really made sense until they brought her home from the hospital. I was beginning to wonder where they had gone. But it all started to hit home when they pull up in the driveway with an extra passenger. I was so excited to see everyone but their attention was on something else. That was my sister they were making such a big fuss about. It has taken me a day or two to get used to all the new sounds around the house. Most of the time she is very quiet and very still, but sometimes she makes all sorts of noise. She seems to make the most noise when she's hungry.
I spend a lot of time just staring at her. I watch her to make sure she is safe. As her big brother it is my job to keep her safe and sound. Here are a few shots of my sister and me on our second full day together.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Baby Addie

Baby Addie was born on Friday, May 9th at 11:55pm. She was 7lbs 3oz and was 20 3/4 inches long. The hospital stay seemed to drag on and on, but now that she's home, it seemed like only a blink of an eye. Addie came home from the hospital yesterday, May 12th at about noon. She has now spent one whole day at the house. It has been a good day!!