Saturday, January 19, 2008

Baby Sister

If you look closely, you might be able to tell that mom has a baby in her belly. They tell me that it will be my sister. My dad and I are very excited about her. He tells me that I will be a very good big brother. I think he's right. Even though she won't be covered in hair like me, I will still look out after her like she was mine.

The Traveler

Like my name says, I am a traveler. I try to go for a ride in the truck any chance I get. Sometimes we go to the dog park. Other times we go to visit family in other parts of the country. Just a couple of weeks ago I spent some time in Paducah. My mom and dad are from here. We were there for Christmas and had a chance to see some of the family. Here's a photo of my cousins Cohen and Palmer. This was my very first time to see Palmer because she was born only a couple of weeks before Christmas. In this other picture, my dad and mom stopped for a photo with some of my dad's family.


Hi, my name is Amos. My full name is Traveler's Amos Minor. I was named after my great-grandmother, Poetic Traveler, who came over here from England. I go by several names though. Some call me Amo. Others, like my cousin Emma, call me "the big bullmastiff." I spend most of my days either asleep or barely awake. I figured I could make more use of my time if I did something constructive. It occurred to me that a blog would be a good idea. I'm new at this so it might take me a while to get the hang of things.